

„The absolute discovery of the evening was Nicole Pieper.
The singer´s rendering of the Agnus Dei was deeply affecting.“

“The absolute discovery of the evening was Nicole Pieper. The singer’s rendering of the Agnus Dei was deeply affecting.”

Born in Hildesheim, the alto Nicole Pieper studied at Detmold College of Music under Gerhild Romberger, Thomas Quasthoff and Martin Christian Vogel. Private classes with Caroline Stein and chamber singer Harald Stamm and master classes with Juliane Banse, Christa Ludwig, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Cord Garben and Christoph Prégardien have also provided her with important artistic impulses.

Nicole Pieper was a prize winner at the federal state vocal contest in Nordrhein-Westfalen and was a finalist at the federal level in Berlin.

The young singer has performed in a number of renowned concert halls in Europe, Russia and South America; among these the Gewandhaus in Leipzig, the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, the Old Opera in Frankfurt, the St. Petersburg and Danzig Philharmonic, the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, the Gulbenkian in Lissabon, the Grand Casino in Basle, the State Opera of Hannover as well as a number of international festivals such as the MDR Musiksommer and the Schlosskonzerte in Bruehl.

Here she worked with conductors such as Thomas Hengelbrock, Ariel Zuckermann, Howard Arman, Andreas Spering, Jun Märkl, Thomas Neuhoff, Gudni A. Emilsson, Fabio Bidini,
Kay Johannsen, Christoph Schoener and Rudolf Kelber.
Her concert performances include numerous recitals with well known ensembles such as the MDR Symphony Orchester, the State Hermitage Orchestra, the Baltic Philharmonic of Gdansk, the Cologne Chamber Orchester and the Cologne Bach Society, the Capella Augustina, Concerto con anima, the North-Western German Philharmonic, the State Orchester of Lower Saxony, the Hamburg Camerata and the Musica Viva in Stuttgart.

Her recording of Hans Werner Henze’s “Apollo et Hyazinthus”, in cooperation with Jörg-Peter Mittmann and the Ensemble Horizonte, is available from Wergo. In addition to this, Nicole Pieper has performed in a number of productions for radio. 

She gained operatic experience in the course of various productions by the State Theatre of Detmold and the Detmold School of Opera. Her operatic repertoire includes, among others, Orfeo in Orfeo ed Euridice, Dido in Dido and Aeneas, Sesto in La clemenza di Tito, Hänsel in Hänsel and Gretel and the 3rd Lady in the Magic Flute.

This young singer’s repertoire encompasses music from the baroqe era to contempory works; but she feels an especial affinity to concert works and art-song.

Nicole Pieper was awarded a scholarship at the Handel Academy in Karlsruhe and is a grant-holder at the Werner Richard – Dr. Carl Dörken-Foundation.

“A.’s decision to hire singer Nicole Pieper was a great success. The alto singer performed the well-known aria “Bereite Dich Zion“ from J. S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio in her pleasantly dark timbre with extraordinary flexibility and transparency. Her vocal range was especially convincing, from langorous depths to effortless heights.”

Season 2022/2023 - Please do not use previously dated biographies!

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